Monodisperse Silica Particles (Spherical Microspheres and Nanospheres) - Links

Silica Nanoparticles

Monodisperse Silica Particles - Uniform Spherical Nanospheres and Microspheres with a Narrow Particle Size Distribution.

Email us at goldberg@pinfire.deMonodisperse Silica Particles

Nanoparticles - Monodisperse Silica Particles (Microspheres & Nanospheres) Synthetic Opals - Black Opal, White Opal, Crystal Opal & Fire Opal Coarse and Fine Crystalline Opals with a Non-Directional Play-of-Color

Opal Samples: Opal Shop

Monodisperse Particles in a wide size range

Silica Nanoparticles and Synthetic Opals. Links.
DV - Nano

(Image: DV Nano)

DV - Nano

Professional Association

German Association of Nanotechnology, independent, non-profit organization, first national professional association for people working in nano technologies and sciences.

Pine Research Group

(Image: L. Rossi, mycolloids.com)

Pine Research Group

Soft Condensed Matter Physics

"We study complex fluids, including Brownian and non-Brownian particle suspensions, emulsions, polymers, and mixtures of the above."

Experimental Soft Condensed Matter Group

(Image: David A. Weitz, Harvard School of Engineering)

Weitz Research Group

Experimental Soft Condensed Matter Group

"We study the physics of soft condensed matter, materials which are easily deformable by external stresses, electric or magnetic fields, or even by thermal fluctuations."

Soft Condensed Matter Group

(Image: A. v. Blaaderen, Debye Institute/Utrecht University)

van Blaaderen Research Group

Soft Condensed Matter Group

"We study the physics of soft matter model systems and, using these insights, fabricate new mesostructured materials from them."

Synthetic Opals

Synthetic Opal

Synthetic Opal - Black Opal, White Opal, Fire Opal, Blue Opal

Aurora-Opale (Opal-Imitationen)

Fine Crystalline Lab Created Opals

Aurora-Opal - Lab created opals with a non-directiona play-of-color and swirl pattern